AboutĀ Katy

Nurse Practitioner to Fertility and Egg Freezing Coach

Meet Katy!

YourĀ Fertility Consultant


I have practiced as a family nurse practitioner and registered nurse for over 12 years. After helping my friends and family navigate the complexities of freezing their eggs, I realized how confusing the entire process is, even for someone with an extensive medical background. I saw how life-changing this process is and dove into learning EVERYTHING I could. How incredible is it that you can preserve your fertility and the option to decide to have a baby whenever it's right for YOUR timelime? I now work with all types of people who want to freeze their eggs for a variety of reasons, including those who donā€™t know if they should freeze their eggs or not. I love leveraging medical evidence that helps get your BEST possible outcomes for the process but also helps you through the emotional & physical side of it as well.

It all started when ... 

my best friend decided to freeze her eggs. She had not met the right person to start a family with and was in her early 30s. She wanted to ensure that she would have the opportunity to create a family traditionally when the time came. She was overwhelmed with the process and wanted to make sure she did everything right. She did not feel confident that she would consistently and accurately navigate complicated medication regimens.  I was impressed and excited with her initiative to take control of her future! She knew what she wanted and she was willing to ensure one day she had the opportunity to create the family she had always dreamt of. She should feel like the badass goddess that she is instead of overwhelmed by pills and shots.

But then everything changed...


I did a lot of research, we face-timed during shot administration, and looked into diet and supplements that can help make the process more successful. I realized how passionate I was about this challenging but wonderful process. I also learned how intimidating it can be to navigate alone. I didn’t want others to go through the fear and uncertainty she did! I want you to see the amazing things your body can do and help you achieve your lifelong goals! It may seem daunting, but I'm here to be your cheerleader, friend, injection coach, and even someone to rant or rave to.

I get to coach other individuals navigating this process with as few hiccups and surprises as possible. Whether you have not met your career goals, have not met the right partner, are not sure you even want kids but do not want to lose the opportunity, or if you are thinking about transitioning, and want to keep your options to have kids before beginning hormone therapy, I am here to help YOU! 

Let’s start talking about improving your egg health, how to plan retrieval around your schedule and goals, how to take care of yourself, how to do your shots, what to expect, and all things eggs. I’m an expert in this and want to make you confident as you navigate this incredible journey!

Katy's Background

After high school, I completed a degree in Psychology at the College of Charleston. I then obtained my Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Medical College of Georgia. I worked in pediatrics for five years while also going to school to become a nurse practitioner at Georgia Southern University. After graduating, I moved to Chattanooga and I have practiced as a NP since 2016. I went back to school at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and completed my Doctor of Nursing Practice in 2020. I have learned how to critically evaluate literature and use scientific evidence to make informed decisions. I have built a network of knowledgeable professionals. The things I will discuss with you are not just based on my own individual experiences, but on what science and research have shown to be effective. 

After struggling with infertility & miscarriage in my early 30s, I dove deep into the literature on how to improve my likelihood of having a successful pregnancy. I changed my diet, started supplements, and worked with my OB/GYN to rule out any underlying cause. In my research, I found that I could improve my egg health naturally! 5 years later, my husband Matt and I have two sons that are the light of our lives. 

I now help others protect their freedom to have a family when the time is right.

Ready to freeze your eggs?